Paul Potts


このポールポッツは、2007年の7月のイギリスのBritain Got Talentという番組(ちょっと古いけど、スター誕生的番組)で優勝し、携帯セールスマンから一夜にしてオペラ歌手となったシンデレラボーイ?。なんと今月末にはオーチャードで公演があるそうだ。もうチケット入手は無理かな??


 エリックシュミット社長インタビュー by ワイアード誌


Text of Wired's Interview with Google CEO Eric Schmidt
04.09.07 | 12:00 AM

On March 23 I spent an hour interviewing Google CEO Eric Schmidt in a cramped conference room 50 feet from his even more cramped office. (It's so small that if you spread your arms you can almost touch both walls.) We talked about everything from Google's competition with Microsoft and its partnership with Apple to all those data centers it is building. 
- Fred Vogelstein

(2007年)3月23日グーグルCEOのエリック・シュミットと狭苦しい会議室(シュミットの執務室はもっと狭苦しいのだが、そこから50フィートほどのところにあった)1時間面談した。私たちはグーグルのマイクロソフトとの競争、アップルとのパートナーシップに始まりグーグルが建設中のデータセンターまであらゆることを話した。 by Fred Vogelstein


WIRED: When you joined Google it was just a search engine. Now it's redefining the way the world thinks about computing. Explain.


ERIC SCHMIDT: It's pretty clear that there's an architectural shift going on. These occur every 10 or 20 years. The previous architecture was a proprietary network with PC clients called client-server computing. With this new architecture you're always online; every device can see every application; and the applications are stored in the cloud. It means that your servers are professionally managed, so you can actually have a weekend and not spend all your time trying to manage your servers. It's like having banks manage your money rather than you managing your money. And the networks have become secure, and the computers have become fast enough that this is mechanically possible - it actually works.


The other thing that's interesting is that the new architecture brings in other voices. The earlier model was pretty proprietary. The protocols, which were typically Microsoft-based, didn't allow for other (interface) choices very well. Now, with the Internet protocols you can pretty much plug in your own interpretation of how email should work and your own interpretation of how voice over IP should work.


This point about anyone being able to enter the market is a big deal. Photo sharing, social networks, all of them have this property. And what's interesting is that Google, although we're one of the companies, we're, by far, not the only company that's doing this. Yahoo is an example of a company like this. eBay is a company like this. Amazon is a company like this. And each of the companies I've named makes money in a different way.




We have talked about this network, or the cloud computing model for years, but we were beholden to the old software selling model - the one where the salesperson is making a million-dollar sale. I used to be in this business [when I was at Novell and Sun]. That model doesn't scale for Internet users. You just can't get that kind of money out of the average citizen. So the new model allows you to have free services with advertising. And this targeted advertising thing is a really, really big deal.


Isn't it more likely that we'll have a hybrid model - with some applications in the cloud and others on the desktop?


It depends. There is not a middle ground when it comes to protocols. In order for this vision (of cloud computing) to work, the protocols have to be open. They can't be proprietary. Everyone has to have access to them. So that's a clear, binary answer.


With respect to the user experience, which I think is your real question, a hybrid works depending on how it's architected. It makes sense, for example, to have graphics computing close to the end user because that's where your frame buffer is and your computation is. Games are a good example because it's very, very hard to imagine games that are network resident only. They're so highly interactive.




But it's perfectly possible to have most of the other computing being done on the server, so that's an example of a hybrid model. If it's something (like a video or a document or a spreadsheet) where there's relatively few changes (to the file), you can put it on a service (in the cloud) and then you can cache it locally.


All these features don't exist yet, though.


True. Google docs and spreadsheets don't work if you're on an airplane. But it's a technical problem that is going to get solved. Eventually you will be able to work on a plane as if you are connected and, then when you get reconnected to the Internet, your computer will just synchronize with the cloud.

その通り。Google docsスプレッドシートはもし飛行機の中であれば使えません。しかし、それは技術的な問題であって解決されます。最終的には機内でもまるでインターネットに接続しているかのように使えるようになります。そして、インターネットにつながれば、あなたのコンピューターはクラウドと同期されます。

Here's another way of saying this - and these are not my words. People call this an Internet operating system. And by "this" I don't mean Google, I mean the sum of this vision. And if you think about it as an Internet operating system, the Internet operating system will have to have all of the normal features of the older versions of operating systems. It will have to have security, it will have to have caching, it will have to have replication, and it will have to have performance.


Why is it taking so long?


Well, one answer is that the systems they're replacing are very complicated, and people have very high standards for interactive services. So everything has to work; all the features have to be there; and they have to never break. We used to think that the enterprise was the hardest customer to satisfy, but we were wrong. It turns out, consumers are harder than the enterprise because the consumer will not give you a second chance.


And by the way, I would argue that we in the industry forgot this. We became as a group - certainly I did - consumed with the complexity of the systems that we were building for powerful corporations, and we forgot that there's a much larger market around consumers for simple solutions.


Online calendars are the perfect example of this. Sharing a calendar in the older (client server) model was hard. Now it's easy because the model says the calendars are stored on professional servers, and they are visible everywhere you want them to be. Making this happen reliably and securely is complicated and technical, but it is ultimately justified by delivering on a very simple concept.



When you joined Google it was just a search engine. It has grown into much more. How should we think about Google today?


One is as an advertising system. Another one is as this end-user system (the search, email, and other applications Google delivers to users through an Internet browser). A third way to think of Google is as a giant supercomputer. And then a fourth way is to think of Google as a social phenomenon involving the company, the people, the brand, the mission, the values - all that kind of stuff.



How powerful is the supercomputer?


There's never been anything like it, so we don't know how to express it. We build our own data centers, and we do a lot of the work ourselves because the commercial solutions do not have high enough performance.


What do you mean you do a lot of the work yourself?


Well, essentially, we do all of the software. So the computers that we're running start off with Linux as the base, but after that it's really custom software to move all the data around. The Web services, all the identity management, all of the database activities, all of the indexing, all the searching, all the ranking, all that kind of stuff in the cloud we do ourselves. This is a great core competency of the company.


And we have not only data centers, but we have fiber that interconnect those data centers, and connect to the ISPs. At Google, speed is critical. And part of the way we get that speed is with that fiber.


How many data centers are there?


I don't actually know.


Are we talking about a half dozen? A dozen? Or are we talking about dozens?


I think my overall description would be in the dozens. There are a few very large ones, some of which have been leaked to the press. But in a year or two the very large ones will be the small ones because the growth rate is such that we keep building even larger ones, and that's where a lot of the capital spending in the company is going.



Why do you have to control your own fiber to connect the data centers?


One of the neat things about the bubble is that people built all of this fiber that is now essentially free. What's funny about our fiber leasing and purchasing is that people are always assuming that we have some master plan involving telecommunications when, in fact, if you think about it as just solving the supercomputer problem, we just want the thing to be faster.


Then why are you being so aggressive trying to get muni Wi-Fi projects going around the country?


Because we benefit from broadband. Remember, one of the critical things in our model is that having inexpensive or, ideally, free access to broadband is a good thing. Especially if it's somebody else who's going to subsidize that using their economics, we think it's great. And the more broadband we can get globally, the better. It's better for the world; it's better for our advertisers; it's better for Google.


So you want to increase broadband penetration in San Francisco, for example, rather than replace the broadband penetration (from cable and telephone companies) that already exists?


Yes. That's a better way of saying it, thank you. So if you have 10 percent market share and we can get it to 50 percent, we know that produces a happier citizen. And we know that those searchers will use our services more. They're much more likely to become a calendar user or a G-mail user or a news user, or whatever, because they like the performance. And, by the way, we're indifferent as to which broadband it is. I mean, it could be Wi-Fi, it could be fiber, it could be coax, it can be any of them.


But you're not doing last-mile fiber?


No, no, no. There are plenty of great companies doing that, and we're perfectly happy to go right on top of all that fiber they're putting in place.



You just recently joined the board of Apple and have talked about potential partnerships between Google and Apple. Explain.


Google's architectural model around broadband and services and so forth plays very well to the powerful devices and services Apple is doing. We're a perfect back end to the problems that they're trying to solve. And they have very good judgment on user interface and people. They don't have this supercomputer I'm talking about, which is the data centers. What they have is a manufacturing business that's doing quite well. And the obvious example is the iPhone, which they announced has in it Google Maps.



Let's talk about the fun stuff. Why do you think Viacom sued you guys?


It's a business negotiation. And it's well established that we've been negotiating with them, and I'm sure at some point we'll negotiate with them some more.


Their argument is that you're not working hard enough to keep infringing stuff off.


Well, if they would look at the law, they would understand that under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, there's a shared responsibility. The law basically says that the copyright owner monitors, and then we expeditiously remove, and we've done that. And it's well documented because Viacom told everybody that they gave us 100,000 video take-downs, which we did very, very quickly. And what was interesting was that our traffic to YouTube has grown very strongly since then. So one of the arguments that they made was that somehow YouTube was built on stolen content, which is clearly false.

もし法律に照らしてみれば、Digital Millenium Copyright Actのもとでは、両社が責任を共有している、ということがわかるだろう。法律によれば基本的に著作権保有者がモニターをすることになっています。グーグルは迅速に削除し、完了しています。そしてすべて文書に記録しました。というのも、Viacomは私たちが10万回もビデオをとてもとても素早くテイクダウンをしたとみんなにいっているからです。興味深いのは私たちからYouTubeへのトラフィックはそれ以来非常に力強く伸びています。だから彼らの主張のひとつは、それはユーチューブが盗んだコンテンツの上に成り立っているということです。でもそれは明らかに間違っていますが。

What's so hard about finding all the infringing stuff users put up on YouTube? Surely, you at Google have the ability to write better content filters.


We are working on the appropriate filters, but it's a hard problem. You could do audio sampling. You could do video sampling. But the audio and video sampling technology is not nearly as good as the technology that allows you to spot infringing text. But it's important that we do it because we don't want to be in the position of having to be given these constant takedown notices.



News Corp. and NBC Universal just announced they are joining forces to create their own video-distribution channels online. Does that represent serious competition?


No. They are taking content that they created and using an exclusive licensing agent to license that content for anybody. That's, clearly, a good thing because it means that that content will be available to everybody.


I got the impression that they were gearing up to compete with you?


No. In fact, Peter (Chernin, News Corp. COO) and I have had a long conversation about this. We spoke yesterday (March 22) before the announcement, and Peter explicitly said that this was not a competitor to YouTube. In fact, their site doesn't even exist yet. They're still designing it. So, to me, it's responsive to finding a way to get the content out.

いや、実際のところ、ピーター(Peter Chernin, ニューズコーポレーションのCOO)と私はこの件についてじっくりと話したことがあります。私たちは昨日(3月22日)発表前に話しましたが、ピーターはYouTubeとは競合しないとはっきり言いました。実際、彼らのウェブサイトはまだ存在すらしません。まだデザインをしているところです。これは、私が思うに、コンテンツを出す方法をみつけるためには有効です。

More broadly, how could copyright law in the digital age be clearer?


The balance that has been struck in the DMCA has worked pretty well, overall. And I think that it may be better for all of us to work within it for a while as we develop these new businesses. It's the unintended consequences of laws that always get you.

Digital Millenium Copyright Actのもとで目指された調整は結構うまく機能していました。新しいビジネスを作っている当面の間はその法的枠組みの中でやるのが私たち全員にとっていいのかもしれない。いつも困ってしまうのは、法律が本来考えていなかったような結果です。


You thought there was a good chance of litigation when you bought YouTube. The deal sets aside a $200 million reserve. Why do the deal if you anticipated so much hassle?


Because we think it's fantastic. I mean, we really do think that the YouTube phenomenon is a sustainable phenomenon for many, many years. And the argument is very simple: People are using video everywhere. People are building communities of people who use video. They're sharing them. YouTube's traffic continues to grow very quickly. Video is something that we think is going to be embedded everywhere. And it makes sense, from Google's perspective, to be the operator of the largest site that contains all that video.


Obviously, we would like it to include licensed, copyrighted content, legally, and make money on it. But YouTube itself can pay back - and this is where the critics get it wrong - YouTube itself can pay back in simple searches. Because, remember, when you go to YouTube, you do a search. When you go to Google, you do a search. As we get the search integrated between YouTube and Google, which we're working on, it will drive a lot of traffic into both places. So the trick, overall, is generating more searches, more uses of Google...


Which generates more pageviews, which generates more advertising revenue.


You got it.



The other interesting thing about pageviews is that we make our money by improving the quality, not the quantity, of ads showed on a page. This is very confusing to people. In a normal media business, you make money by showing more ads.


What does it take to improve the quality of ads on Google?


More computers, basically, and better algorithms. And more information about you. The more personal information you're willing to give us - and you have to choose to give it to us - the more we can target. The standard example is: When you say "hot dog," are you referring to the food, or is your dog hot? So the more personalized the information, the better the targeting. We also have done extensive engineering work with Google Analytics to understand why people click on ads. That way we can actually look at the purchase and go back and see what buyers did to get there. That is the holy grail in advertising, because advertisers don't advertise just to advertise, they actually advertise to sell something.

基本的には、より多くのコンピューターとより優れたアルゴリズムが必要です。みなさんに関するより多くの情報も必要です。より多くの個人情報をみなさんが提供してくれればくれるほど、あなたが提供すると選択しなければならないのですが、私たちはより絞り込みが可能になります。よく使う例ですが、もしあなたが「ホットドッグ」といったら、それは食べ物を指しているのでしょうか、それとも熱い犬を指しているのでしょうか?だから、個人に関する情報が多くなればなるほど、ターゲッティングの精度は増します。私たちは、Google Analyticsによって徹底的なエンジニアリング開発を行い、どうして人々が広告をクリックするのかを理解しようとしている。そのようにして私たちは購入行動を調査し、買い手がそこに至るまでに何をしたかを立ち戻って見るのです。これがまさに広告ビジネスの聖杯(the holy grail)なのです。というのも、広告主は広告をするために広告をしているのではなく、モノを売るために広告をしているですから。

How big is the market for all these Google ads?

そうしたGoogle Ads全体の市場はどれくらい大きいですか?

Today, the vast majority of our revenue is in text ads correlated with searches. In the last couple of years, we have developed what are called display ad products, including banner ads, video ads, click-to-call ads, and things like that. And I've also said that we are pursuing the possibility of television advertising. By that I mean traditional television advertising. And we bought dMarc Broadcasting to do radio ads.

今日、収入の大部分が検索と関連したテキスト広告です。これまでの数年では、バナー広告、ビデオ広告、クリックトゥコール広告などを含め、ディスプレイ広告というものを開発してきました。テレビ広告の可能性についても追求していると話してきました。それは伝統的なテレビ広告です。それからラジオ広告をするためにdMarc Broadcastingを買収しました。

So let's rank the probability of them being affected by targeted ads. There's search: That's 100 percent affected. What about radio? Is it possible to get a targeted ad right to your car right now? Not yet because we can't target the individual receiver in your car. If two cars are next to each other, the same radio station cannot have two different ads. However, if it's at a regional level we can do it to the zip code level. So let's call that partial targeting.


Now, let's look at television. Every one of the next generation of cable set-top boxes is going to get upgraded to an IP-addressable set-top box. So all of a sudden, that set-top box is a computer that we can talk to. We can't tell whether it's the daughter or the son or the husband or the wife in a household. All we know is we're just talking to the television. But that's pretty targetable because family buying patterns are pretty predictable, and you can see what programs they're watching. And if you're watching a YouTube video, we know you're watching that video.


My point of going through this little treatise is to say, if the total available market is ($600 billion to $800 billion, we won't be able to target all $800 billion. It will not be a 100 percent perfectly targetable, straight into your brain, but we should be able to offer a material improvement (in response rates) to many businesses.



Do ad agencies want that kind of automation?


Sure they do, because the advertisers do. You'd be amazed at how sophisticated the ad agencies are now.


That wasn't true a couple of years ago.


No, but it's changed. This is actually an important piece of data. When we started talking with them, the ad agencies were not sure what their role was going to be. And, in some cases, we were at odds with them. That is all gone as best I can tell. The ad agencies now see us as a major new revenue stream because all of the advertising models that I've described require the services of an ad agency. Somebody still has to produce the targeted ad, somebody still has to figure out what the demographic is. Somebody still has to figure all that out.


Don't you guys do that?


Well, we certainly don't make the ads, and we're certainly not the creative people. All we are is a targeting mechanism. We're just a distribution channel. So we need these ad agencies. And I'll tell you - and I spend a lot of time with these global ad agencies - I can tell you that it is very impressive how quickly they have changed.


Are advertisers going to start actually producing video ads to run on YouTube?


Absolutely. These ad systems tend to produce a lot of video they don't use. So for a 30-second ad, they actually will shoot hours of video. With that they can do the five-second teaser and the 10-second teaser and the single-shot still, and the low resolution one and the high resolution one - and they have terminology for each of these and ad formats for each of these. So the Internet, for them, represents a new creative medium. So we will see the emergence of new categories of ads and ways of making money.



When you and I talked a while ago, you talked about Dell and Sony and Intel as being sort of models for how you manage. Still true?


Very much so.


Despite the fact that Dell and Sony have had issues.


I don't think that those are management issues. I think those are just changes in their ecosystem.



Google's revenue and employee head count have tripled in the last two years. How do you keep from becoming too bureaucratic or too chaotic?


It's a constant problem. We analyze this every day, and our conclusion is that the best model remains small teams running as fast as they can and tolerating a certain lack of cohesion.
The attempt to provide order drives out the creativity. And so it's a balance.


How do you keep different groups of engineers from unintentionally duplicating one another’s work and wasting resources?


Well, there is some duplication, but most of it is avoided through communications. The information systems that are within the company are quite good. But we've reined in certain things. For example, we don't tolerate the kind of "Hey I want to have my own database and have a good time" behavior that was very effective for us five years ago because the cost of this from a manageability, maintenance, and scaling perspective is a problem. So virtually all of the product groups are now told, "Build on top of this common set of services. Now, we internally use exactly the same code running on the same servers - like Gmail and Calendar and Google apps - as our customers do.

重複はあります。でも、多くはコミュニケーションによって避けられます。私たちの会社の情報システムは優れています。しかし、いくつかの点ではコントロールしてきました。たとえば、「なあ、自分のデータベース持たせてくれよ、自由な時間をくれよ」的な姿勢は許していません。でも、5年前はこれがとても効果的なスタイルでした。今は、管理のしやすさ、メンテナンス、規模的観点からコストが問題となるのです。ですから、今は全ての製品グループはこう言われます。「みんな同じサービスの上で仕事をしてください。」と。社内では同じサーバーの上ではしる同じコードを使っています。Gmail、カレンダーGoogle appsをユーザーが使うのと同じように使っています。

You mean you eat your own dog food?




Google is a global corporation. What do you do to make employees in other countries all feel like they are working here in Mountain View?


It's a great unsolved problem. We do videoconferencing; we do a lot of visits where people are invited to one of the main campuses for a month or two. So they feel a part of a bigger entity when they go back. And that model does work. Of course, we do all the normal meetings - the sales meetings and training meetings, and all that. More and more of our time is being spent on that.


What about "20 percent time" - the time everyone is supposed to allocate in their week to personal projects?


It's still essential. Virtually all of the innovation at the company is still coming out of 20 percent time.



How do you and Larry and Sergey divide your duties?


Pretty much the same as we always have. Today, I can tell you that Larry and Sergey spent all day in the boardroom doing product reviews. They haul the engineering teams and product managers into a room, and they go through each product in great detail. At the same time, I'm interviewing some (prospective) executives, talking to a couple of partners about potential deals, and then in a few minutes the three of us are coming together on stage to answer employee questions. That's a very typical day. Today is Friday - Friday is essentially an all product-review day on their part. I do the same meeting on Tuesday, which I run and they attend.


I think it's fair to say that the skill sets (of the three of us) are just as complementary as they were five years ago. They have brilliance and technical understanding, and they're quicker in some things than I am. They're very clear thinkers. And there is my background of knowing how to scale things (grow a corporation). I think the combination has worked very well, and it's not going to change. We're going to do this for a long time. We enjoy what we do. We like to work with each other. And we're all the best of friends.



Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer called Google a one-trick pony. Thoughts?


I don't think it makes sense for me to comment on words and actions by Steve Ballmer. You can phrase the question in a way that does not involve him, if you want.


Google gets its revenue from online advertising. One could make the argument that it is not diversified enough. Is that something that you think about? If so, what are some of the things you are doing about it?


The criticism is correct. We do get the vast majority of our revenue from advertising, and it's a business that a lot of other people would like to be in. So the first thing is, let's understand that we're in a great business. Also, there are some emergent models for revenue that are very interesting. The one that is probably most interesting is Google Apps. We're now beginning to get some significant enterprise deals. Basically, companies are tired of dealing with the complexity of the old model, and our products are now strong enough that they really can reliably serve a corporation.

その批判は正確です。大半の収入を広告から得ています。他の多くの人が参入しようとしているビジネスです。だからまずは、すごいビジネスをしているんだと認識しましょう。そして、とても興味深い収入モデルが生まれつつあります。一番面白いのは、Google Appsです。いま、重要な企業取引の契約しようとしているところです。基本的に、企業は以前のモデルの複雑さに疲れています。私たちの製品は非常に強力で企業が信頼をもって使えるものです。

Implicit in any kind of conversation about Google Apps is the fact that if it is successful, it will take market share away from Microsoft Office. Do you agree?

Google Appsに関するどんな話にもほのめかされているのは、もし成功すればマイクロソフトオフィスから市場シェアをとれるだろうという点ですが。そうですか?

It may very well be that what you said is true, or it may very well be that consumers will drive us to solve completely new problems.


Why do you place such a premium on hiring the smartest people and developing and releasing software so quickly?


Fast learners win. We're in new, uncharted space. So the traditional assumptions that you and I might have about the future might actually just be wrong. There might be a new answer. And the only way to discover that is to put out your idea and then test it. And we track the results of that very, very, very rigorously, and this is not something we talk a lot about, but it's critical for us. How are these new ideas doing? What's their growth rate? What are the issues around them? And we push. What can we do to accelerate the development of this feature? What's the new problem? What's the new opportunity?



Google gets criticized a lot in the following way: It's a great search engine, but all the other products it has invented and released haven't done well at all. Thoughts?


The person who's saying that does not understand the economic leverage of the company. We know that Google Earth and Google Maps have had a tremendous impact on Google traffic, users, brand, adoption, and advertisers. We also know Google News, for example, which we don't monetize, has had a tremendous impact on searches and on query quality. We know those people search more. Because we've measured it.

それを言うひとは、この会社のエコノミックレバレッジ(事業展開上の競争力)を理解していません。Google EarthGoogle Mapsトラフィック、ユーザー、ブランド、採択、広告主に驚異的な影響を与えています。Google Newはたとえば資金化していませんが、検索や質問項目の質に驚くべきインパクトを与えています。みんな検索をもっとしています。私たちはそれを測定してきました。

Another example is Google Base, which we have been derided about for years. Google Base is how we get structured data. The quality of our index is better because of Google Base. The computers are smarter because of Google Base. Now, would you say Google Base is a mistake? Under the initial formulation, it's a waste of money because we don't monetize it. We could, but what we really do is we use it to improve search.

もうひとつの例は、Google Baseです。それは何年も馬鹿にされてきました。Google Baseとは、どのように私たちがデータを組み立てるかということです。インデックスのクォリティはGoogle Baseのおかげで良くなっています。コンピューターはより賢くなっています。今、Google Baseは間違いだと言うでしょうか?最初の型では資金化できないし無駄金です。やろうと思えばできます。でも、本当にすることは検索を改善することです。

So one way of thinking about it is it all gets back to search. If you think about YouTube, YouTube is a "searching the world's videos" problem, right? They all have to be there, but how do you find them? What I guess I'm trying to say is that search is still the killer app.


クラウド・コンピューティング ソフトウェアのメディア化(media-ization of software)Nicholas Carr記事



What Cloud Means to Marketing Forecast
As Consumers Continue Using the Internet as Their Computers, Prepare for a Broader Media Upheaval
By Nicholas Carr 

Published: March 17, 2008

In a closet in a spare bedroom of my house is a crate of PC-software programs on CD-ROMs and DVDs. There are dozens of them neatly wedged into their plastic cases -- financial programs, graphics programs, encyclopedias, games, business applications and hobby applications. And they all seem, suddenly, like strange artifacts from the past.


Sometime in the past few years, most of us began to change the way we use our personal computers. We stopped going out and buying new software programs and installing them on our hard drives. Instead, we started using the internet as our computer, tapping into the vast quantities of software and data flowing through the network. Our powerful desktop and laptop PCs have been turned inside out. Most of their value comes not from what's inside them but from the network they're hooked up to. They've become, essentially, terminals.


クラウドコンピューティングの世界で、ぼくらにとってのパソコンの意味がわかりやすく説明されていると思う。「インテル インサイド」という宣伝文句もそろそろ聞かなくなるのだろうか?パソコンは単なるネットへのターミナルとなり、そのインサイドに何をもっているかに価値がある時代は終わりつつあるということなんだな。

This rise of what geeks call "cloud computing" is not without precedent. What's been happening to computers in the early years of this century mirrors what happened to mechanical power at the start of the last century. At the end of the 1800s, if you wanted to run a machine in your factory or your home, you had no choice but to generate the power to run it. You had to build a waterwheel, install a steam engine or run your own private electric dynamo.

But as soon as the alternating-current electric grid was built, people and businesses stopped producing their own power. They just plugged their machines into the new network. Back then, it was electricity that turned into a utility served up from central plants. Today, it's computing that's turning into a centrally supplied utility.



Changing lives 変化する生活


Cheap, plentiful electricity changed society and culture, spurring the rise of mass media, mass consumerism and modern advertising. We can expect that cheap, plentiful computing will have similarly far-reaching consequences, once again overturning many of our assumptions about how we work and live.

One change that's already obvious is the blurring of the line between software and media. Consumer software, until recently sold like a package good, is becoming the next great media business. The success of a software program is coming to be judged not by unit sales but by the ability of the provider to attract an audience, hold that audience's attention with interesting data and tools, and deliver relevant ads to it.



We've seen this phenomenon with social-networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook, which have become the core applications that young people use to organize information and communicate with friends and colleagues. But the media-ization of software now is spreading to more traditional programs such as word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail, photo management, games, and even tax preparation. Applications such as these are being "broadcast" free over the net and supported by advertising.


でも、ここの話の筋からは外れるけれど、今週のThe Economistの記事"Break down these walls"は、こういうクローズドなコミュニティはオープンじゃないから生き続けられない、90年代のAOLなどの歴史に学べ、と言っていたなあ。

The gorilla in this nascent market is Google. It has been spending billions of dollars to build huge data centers, or "server farms," around the world, enabling it to run all sorts of consumer software and store enormous quantities of personal data. Combine that processing muscle with the company's dominance of web searching and advertising, and you have a juggernaut capable of redefining the software business on the media model.

この生まれたての市場のゴリラはグーグルだ。これまで何十億ドルを世界中で巨大なデータセンター("server farms"、サーバー農場?)の建設に投じている。そのデータセンターはあらゆる種類のコンシューマーソフトウェアを走らせ、膨大な量の個人データを保存することができる。その情報処理能力とグーグルの支配的なウェブ検索/広告力を組み合わせれば、巨大な破壊力をもってソフトウェアビジネスをメディアモデルによって再定義することができる。

Catching up with Google グーグルを追いかけて

Traditional software companies are not sitting still. Microsoft, long the leader in packaged PC software, is following Google's lead in constructing server farms and has even begun delivering some of its programs free over the net. Most telling is the company's generous bid to buy Yahoo, one of the largest online-media and -advertising firms. Microsoft knows it needs to bolster its capabilities in advertising if it is to succeed in the software business of the future, and buying Yahoo would provide it with a shortcut to its goal.


But if the software business is beginning to look like a media business, the media business is also taking on characteristics of the software business. As the internet becomes not only our universal computer but also our universal medium, the ability to use software code to collect and filter content, tailor programming, analyze audiences and serve ads becomes central to media success.


In other words, those huge server farms are not only transforming the software industry. They pose big and growing competitive threats to many traditional publishing, broadcasting and advertising firms. The media business has already gone through wrenching changes thanks to the web, but the upheaval is just in its early stages.


There are dark sides to the blurring of media and software. As companies become more adept at tracking the activities and preferences of people, the temptation to monitor and even manipulate personal behavior will grow ever stronger.


Continued fragmentation 分断の進行

We are also likely to see a continuing fragmentation of media and audiences, as sophisticated software algorithms are used to create custom bundles of content geared to individual preferences. Google has said it wants to store "100% of a user's data" inside its data centers, enabling it to achieve what it calls "transparent personalization." At that point, the company would be able to automatically choose which information to show you, and which to withhold, without having to wait for you to ask.

メディアやオーディエンスの分裂が引き続き進むことになるだろう。洗練されたソフトウェアのアルゴリズムが個人の好みにあったコンテンツのカスタムセットを作るために使われるようになるからだ。グーグルはデータセンターにユーザーに関するデータの100%を保存したいと言っていた。そうすれば、"transparent personalilzation"(特定個人向け高度仕様化?)が可能になる。その場合、グーグルはどの情報をユーザーに提示し、どの情報を提示しないかを自動的に選択できるようになり、ユーザーが問い合わせるのを待つ必要がない。


Of course, the value of advertising would grow substantially in this scenario. But what would happen to the common culture that provides the glue for society? The mass media that emerged from the electric grid a century ago had plenty of flaws, but it did help to bring people together. Our new computing grid promises to reprogram not only advertising and marketing but also culture with the cold logic of software code. Everything will become more efficient, but we may find that we've sacrificed a little bit of our humanity in the process.


チベット 英エコノミスト誌 ラサ現場写真 

英エコノミスト誌(Mar 17th 2008)Pictures from Lhasa 現場写真:を見て下さい。

OUR China correspondent remains in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital city, where he has been since violence broke out on Friday. We reproduce here some of his pictures taken in recent days. The Economist remains the only foreign news organisation with official approval to be in Tibet―which was applied for and granted well before the unrest erupted.















クラウド・コンピューティング アップルとグーグルの提携の可能性?


出所:howstuffworksの記事"How the Google-Apple Cloud Computer Will Work"
by Chris Pollette

この解説は、howstuffworksというウェブサイトのChris Pollette氏が書いたものだが、Nicholas G. Carr氏の著作やブログに基づいている。クラウドコンピューターの世界が具体的にイメージできる点でとてもわかりやすく書かれていると思う。また、アップルとグーグルがクラウドコンピューティングを前提としたパートナーシップを組むとのCarr氏の見方を紹介して面白い。

ただ、そのパートナーシップについては、両社にとってどのようなインセンティブがあるのか解説が欲しい。たしかに、アップルがクラウドコンピューティングを前提にしたデバイスMacBook Airのようなもの)を提供し、グーグルがバックエンドを提供する、という組合わせはわかるが、技術プラットフォームがオープンであれば、グーグルが提供するプラットフォームは、アップルのみならずあらゆるデバイスメーカーを受け入れてもいいだろうし、アップルもあらゆるバックエンド提供者と組めばいいと感じるからだ。


なお、howstuffworksは米国のケーブルテレビのディスカバリーチャネルを運営するDiscovery Communications社が運営しているウェブサイトで、世界の仕組みをわかりやすく解説する辞典だ。ここで、cloud computingクラウド・コンピューティング)を検索した結果得られたのが、この解説だ。


Introduction to How the Google-Apple Cloud Computer Will Work

In his new book "The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google," computer industry writer and former executive editor of the Harvard Business Review Nicholas G. Carr discusses the changes he sees in the future of computing. One of the more dramatic changes is a shift to cloud computing -- where applications and files are stored on a large, centralized supercomputer or network. The end user accesses his or her files using computers that are more streamlined but less sophisticated than today's typical machines.

(試訳)コンピューター業界ライターでハーバードビジネスレビューの元エグゼキュティブエディターだったNicholas G. Carrは、近著"Big Switch"で、コンピューティングの将来のがどう変化するかについて書いている。一番大きな変化はクラウドコンピューティングへの転換だ。そこでは、アプリケーションやファイルが巨大なスーパーコンピューターあるいはネットワークに集中される。エンドユーザーは、自分のファイルにアクセスするのに、今日使っている典型的なマシンよりももっとスリム化されたマシンを使うようになる。

On October 17, 2007, Carr took the idea a step further in a posting on his Rough Type blog. He called out two hot technology companies, Google and Apple, and said they were on the verge of a partnership in which Apple would make an inexpensive piece of hardware users could carry around. This would leverage the computing power of the vast data centers Google has been building to hold the applications and the data for millions of users.


A Googol of Power

With a cloud computer, you probably wouldn't have to pay for software. Using applications hosted on the server, your local machine would have all the software it needs to work without having to store it locally. You wouldn't have to update your software to the next version -- and everyone would use the same software on the cloud. There should be no compatibility issues.


One of the biggest problems involved with creating a cloud computer is the amount of electricity required to make it work. Google built its data center in The Dalles, Ore., because of the high-speed Internet access powered by fiber optic lines and the nearby The Dalles Dam [source: Gilder]. Google needs large amounts of electricity to power the cooling equipment necessary to keep thousands of servers running. In fact, the two football-field-sized buildings each have two cooling plants four stories tall [source: Markoff and Hansell].

(試訳)クラウドコンピューターの最大の問題のひとつは、必要となる電力量だ。グーグルがオレゴン州ダレスにデータセンターを建設した理由は、光ファイバーによる高速インターネット接続と近くにあるダレスダムである。(出所:Guilder)グーグルは何千ものサーバーを動かし続けるために必要な冷房装置稼働に大量の電力を必要とする。実際、アメフトグラウンドの広さはある二つの建物はそれぞれふたつの4階建ての冷房プラントをもっている。(出所:Markoff and Hansell)

Why Google and Apple?

Google CEO Eric Schmidt joined Apple's board of directors in August 2006. When asked about the idea of teaming up with Apple in a December 2007 interview with Wired Magazine, Schmidt said it plainly: "Google's architectural model around broadband and services and so forth plays very well to the powerful devices and services Apple is doing. We're a perfect back end to the problems that they're trying to solve" [source: Vogelstein].


If Google and Apple do team up for this sort of partnership, here's what Carr feels their cloud computer would be like:
-Inexpensive: The machine you'd buy would be under $200 and there would be no charge for applications or data transfer.
-Green: With a low-power chip and flash memory, an Apple thin client -- a network computer -- would have no power-hungry optical drive or hard drive.
-Easy to maintain: No optical drive or hard drive also means fewer moving parts, which means it would probably live a longer life.
-Easy to update: You wouldn't have to worry about updating your software, that would all be taken care of for you. You could just use your machine until it simply wore out [source: Carr].


Cringely believes that Apple will make Carr's cloud-computing device but will also make other cloud computing devices at a variety of prices. He says that Apple will be the dominant company in the partnership, and Google would take a back seat.


Other Cloud Candidates

Two of the leading candidates to compete with Google or a partnership with Apple may be joining forces. On Feb. 1, 2008, Microsoft announced it had made a bid for Yahoo, which would help both companies in their quest to beat out the search giant [source: Microsoft]. In addition to massive computing power and many other Web services, Yahoo brings a robust Web mail network and photo site Flickr to the table. Meanwhile, Microsoft offers Windows Live, a word processing program and calendar. With its Office suite already entrenched in the desktops of offices across the country, a Microsoft cloud could enter the race as a contender.



Introduction to How the Google-Apple Cloud Computer Will Work

コンピューター業界のライターでハーバードビジネスレビューの元エグゼキュティブエディターだったNicholas G. Carrは、近著"Big Switch"で、コンピューティングの将来がどう変化するかについて書いている。一番大きな変化はクラウドコンピューティングへの転換だ。そこでは、アプリケーションやファイルが巨大なスーパーコンピューターあるいはネットワークに集中される。エンドユーザーは、自分のファイルにアクセスするのに、今日使っている典型的なマシンよりももっとスリム化されたマシンを使うようになる。


クラウドコンピューティングのアイデイアは新しいものではない。オラクルのラリー・エリソンは2000年にNew Internet Computer社を立ち上げ、このアイディアの実現に向けて業界をリードした。コンセプトはシンプルだ。手元のデスクには、プロセッサー、キーボード、モニターだけをもつ非常に安価なコンピュータをもつ。そこにはハードドライブもCD/DVDドライブもない。インターネットにつなげて、中央のスーパーコンピューターに接続する。そのスーパーコンピューターに全てのプログラムやファイルが納められているのだ。しかし、このアイディアは時期尚早だった。NIC社は非常に安く売却された。おそらく原因は米国におけるブロードバンド不足にあった(出所:PCWorld誌)。同社は2003年に倒産した。


A Googol of Power

グーゴルとは10の100乗である。グーグルという社名は、インターネット上にある膨大な情報の動向を把握したいという創業者の願いに由来している。(出所:グーグル)同社は成長するに従って、単なるウェブ検索だけでなく多くのサービスを提供しはじめた。社内イノベーションと買収を通じて、グーグルは現在のGoogle Docsを創ったが、これはウェブベースのアプリケーションセットで、ワープロスプレッドシート、プレゼンテーションプログラムを含んでいる。Gmailは、企業向けでマイクロソフトと直接対決することとなった。マイクロソフトオフィスと違って、Google Docsは完全に無償である。




クラウドコンピューターの最大の問題のひとつは、必要となる電力量だ。グーグルがオレゴン州ダレスにデータセンターを建設した理由は、光ファイバーによる高速インターネット接続と近くにあるダレスダムである。(出所:Guilder)グーグルは何千ものサーバーを動かし続けるために必要な冷房装置稼働に大量の電力を必要とする。実際、アメフトグラウンドの広さはある二つの建物はそれぞれふたつの4階建ての冷房プラントをもっている。(出所:Markoff and Hansell)


Why Google and Apple?



Carrによれば、アップルはパートナーに対してバックエンドをドライブしなければならないようなスーパーコンピューティングパワーのようなものをもたない。それをする企業はそんなに多くない。グーグル、ヤフー、マイクロソフトIBM、アマゾンのみがその可能性をもっている、とヤフーのリサーチヘッドのPrabhakar Raghavanは言う。(出所:Baker)グーグルとアップルは数年遡ってパートナーシップを組んだ。もし、マイクロソフトが2008年2月1日に発表したヤフー買収提案に成功すれば、この両社は洗練されたクラウド・コンピューティング環境を十分に活用することができるだろう。



Robert X. Cringelyは、有名なテクノロジーレポーターでコラムニストだが、グーグル/アップルのクラウドコンピューティングパートナーシップは実現するという点でCarrに賛成している。しかし、彼はCarrが考えているほどディールは簡単ではないと考えている。むしろ、アップルの神格化されたCEOで創業者であるスティーブジョブスの個性は、シュミットやグーグルにとって苛立の種となりかねないだろう。シュミット(とCarr)はアップルがスーパーコンピューターをもっていないと見ているが、ジョブスはグーグルはスーパーコンピューターをどう使うかをわかっていないと思っていて、さらに、彼はいつでもスーパーコンピュターは借りられると考えている。(出所:Cringely)



Other Cloud Candidates



もうひとつの潜在的な競合他社はアマゾンドットコムである。すでに世界最大のオンライン小売り業者であるが、アマゾンは他の分野にも興味を示している。アマゾンウェブサービスはネット上で仕事をする場所を求めている小規模デベロッパー達を狙ったクラウドリソースセットである。(出所:アマゾンドットコム)アマゾンElastic Compute Cloud (EC2)は、ユーザーに対して仕事のためのコンピューティングパワーを提供する。ファイルをアマゾンSimple Storage Service(S3)に保存することができ、SimpleDBというデータベースを使ってより小さなファイルを迅速に保存したり、アクセスしたりすることができる。(出所:Claburn)


多くの会社がクラウドネットワーク上でオペレーションできるように設計されたハードを提供している。たとえば、ヒューレットパッカード、デル、クリアキューブである。しかしながら、必ずしもクラウドネットワークにアクセスするためにコンピューターが必要という訳ではないし、ワイヤレス電話のように他のハードウェアでインターネットに接続することもできる。2008年1月には、グーグルは700MHz帯域の認可を得るために入札した。これは、ワイヤレス電話サービスの提供が可能となる。(出所:CNET New)もしこの入札に勝てばCarrの考えに可能性により近づく。グーグルはこの帯域は様々なデバイスが接続可能で、入札が46億ドルのリザーブ価格に一度達したらスペクトラムはオープンアクセスになる、という同社の願いがかなった、と主張した。




クラウド・コンピューティング グーグル社長のエッセイ(全文試訳)

出典:英The Economist誌 The World in 2007 "Don’t bet against the internet"

これは、グーグルのEric Schmidt(エリック・シュミット)社長によるエッセイで、今から1年以上前のもの(2006年初)になるが、クラウド・コンピューティングがどのような技術の上に成立しているのか、その私たちユーザーの生活への影響がどうなるのか、またITサービス提供者のビジネスがどう変わるのか、について語られていて参考になった。





Driving this change is a profound technological shift in computer science. For the past 20 years a client-server computing architecture has dominated digital infrastructures. Expensive PCs ran complex software programs and relied primarily on proprietary protocols to connect to bigger―and even more expensive―mainframe servers. The data and the power lived in these computers and their operating systems.



Today we live in the clouds. We’re moving into the era of “cloud” computing, with information and applications hosted in the diffuse atmosphere of cyberspace rather than on specific processors and silicon racks. The network will truly be the computer.






Cloud computing is hardly perfect: internet-based services aren’t always reliable and there is often no way to use them offline. But the direction is clear. Simplicity is triumphing over complexity. Accessibility is beating exclusivity. Power is increasingly in the hands of the user.



The lesson is compelling: put simple, intuitive technology in the hands of users and they will create content and share it. The fastest-growing parts of the internet all involve direct human interaction.


なるほど、ユーザーはネットワーク上で、さまざまなコンテンツを創造し、お互いにシェアする。ユーザーがあらゆる情報活動をネットワーク上で行うクラウド・コンピューティングの世界を前提に、グーグルは広告ビジネスを構築する。広告ビジネスで競争優位を確保するために、自らが膨大な情報流通のハブとなり、ユーザーの行動を分析して、広告ビジネスにとって価値のあるユーザーニーズに関する情報を蓄積するのだろう。その観点から、先日のクリーブランド病院との提携による個人の健康情報に関するプラットフォーム構築は、情報流通のハブとなる上でも最強のコンテンツを獲得できる可能性が高いだろう。グーグルオフィシャルブログで最近のエントリー"Why data matters"を読むと、グーグルにとって私たちユーザーの検索履歴データがいかに重要であるかがわかる。なぜなら、これを分析することで得られるデータベースが情報流通においてハブになり、広告ビジネスで優位に立つための肝だからだろう。


エコノミスト誌記事 試訳(かなりぎこちないところ多いですが、理解違いなどあれば、ぜひ教えてください。)


Don’t bet against the internet

From The World in 2007 print edition

It’s simply the best, argues Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google
単にインターネットが最高なのだ、とエリック・シュミット グーグル社長は主張する。




もちろん、この新しい技術は多くのエスタブリッシュされた企業にとっては深刻な試練をもたらしている。スカイプは、インターネット電話サービス(Voice over IP)だが、通信業界の経済性に対して混乱をもたらしており、その程度は、中国が世界の製造セクターに対して混乱を引き起こしているのと同じだ。しかし、この混乱は激しくなるばかりだ。






Just imagine




